Medical Stop Loss From
Breckpoint Insurance Company
Within the Breckpoint platform is a unique ability to access and manage reimbursement, stop-loss, and commercial reinsurance options through the affiliated Breckpoint Insurance Company, LLC – a non-rated licensed captive insurance company domiciled in the state of Tennessee. Participants within Breckpoint Insurance Company’s protected cells can access reimbursement or stop-loss protection for many of the turn-key programs within the Breckpoint platform. Breckpoint Insurance Company has entered into reinsurance agreements with A-rated commercial reinsurers to provide additional backing for its programs on top of annual independent audit and actuarial reviews.
Participants enjoy distinct advantages in group programs through Breckpoint Insurance Company, LLC due to the unique captive insurance arrangement made possible in the Breckpoint platform.
Small To Mid-Size Groups
Capital or Collateral not required
Shared risk not required
Captive ownership not required
Underwriting flexibility
Large Groups
Option for own captive
Cost-effective expense structure
Risk sharing options
Other coverage options
(workers comp, general liability, etc.)
Self-Fund Employee
Health & Benefit Plans
Breckpoint is proud to bring self-funding arrangements to employers and groups of all sizes. Offering an alternative to fully-insured group benefit plans or from other traditional stop-loss options, Breckpoint seeks to empower groups to take advantage of the transparency, control, and potential savings generated by high performing self-funded plans. →

General Underwriting Parameters

Broad industry eligibilityOptions for groups starting at 5 livesNo minimum employer contribution requirementMinimum Specific Premium: $20,000Minimum Specific Deductible: $20,000
COBRA participation not to exceed more than 10% of the enrollment
Greater of 50% eligible (of total) or 75% of net eligible (after valid waivers such as spousal coverage, other coverage, Medicare, etc.) when rating group with experience.
Retirees over the age of 65 will not be covered while under the age of 65 not to exceed 10% of enrollment
Specific Advance Funding included on all policies at no cost